


当教育研究所ではDr. Jean-Philippe Assalのスイス ⁄ ジュネーブにある研究所 Foundation and Training in Patient Educationと定期的にSkype™によるディスカッションを行ってきました。


PRISM(Pictorial Representaion of Illness and Self Measure)は、Stefan Buchi博士の考案によるもので、1999年に論文として発表され、科学雑誌Nature のニュースに取り上げられた画期的な方法です。
現在はiOSアプリで提供されています。  【QRコード】

PRISMは、患者の疾患(Illness)が、どの程度の重みを持つかを患者自身(Self)が把握するばかりでなく、自分の状況を認識し、さらにその距離感覚を表出するのに役立つ指標です。これは医療者にとっても患者のQOL(Quality Of Life)を評価するのに有用な方法です。



Dr. Jean-Philippe Assal

Founder of the first Diabetes Treatment and Teaching Unit at the University Hospital of Geneva, in association with the WHO.
Director in Foundation and Training in Patient Education, Geneva, Switzerland
Professor of Medicine and Therapeutic Education
Founder and Former director of Therapeutic Education Department at the Cantonal
University Hospital in Geneva in association with DESG

Dr. Stefan Buchi

Professor in Psychosocial Medicine, University of Zurich
Director in Clinic for Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics Hohenegg, Meilen, Zurich, Switzerland

Dr. Katie Weinger

Assistant Professor in Harvard Medical School
Investigator in Center for Innovation in Diabetes Education, Joslin Diabetes Center, Boston, USA

Dr. Jane K. Kadohiro

Diabetes Education and Support Consulting Service
Past President of American Association for Diabetes Educators, USA

Dr. Areti Philotheou

Diabetes Unit, School of Child and Adolescent Health,
Faculty of Sciences, University of Cape Town, South Africa

Dr. Francois Bonnici

Professor in Department of Paediatric Medicine, School of Child and Adolescent Health, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Past President of World Diabetes Congress(WDC)in Cape Town 2006